My friend Jodi has decided to jump on the bandwagon and try this vegan lifestyle but she said I had to come up with some kind of sweets. So I put together a combination from a few raw vegan dessert techniques to come up with these satisfying Chocolate Pineapple Balls. They are the perfect little popper when you need to have something a little sweet! So Jodi - this is for you.
1 1/2 Cups Almonds
1/2 Tsp Sea Salt
1 Vanilla Bean, Scraped
1 1/2 Cups Dried Pineapple, Chopped (unsweetened no sulfites)
1 1/2 Cups Pitted Dates
1/4 Cup Shredded Coconut (unsweetened and dried)
1 Tablespoon Carob Powder
In a food processor, process the almonds, salt and vanilla. Process into a fine powder first. Add the chopped pineapple, dates and carob powder. Mix well.
Transfer mixture to a large bowl and using a small scoop, portion out some and roll between your palms to form a ball. Repeat until all is rolled out and refrigerate.
Optional: You can roll in the coconut as a garnish if you prefer.
This will keep for over a week in the refrigerator. Perfect for a quick snack or with breakfast.
Carob Powder - Can be found in the baking isles of most grocery stores or health food stores. It is fromt he dried pulp of the finest mediterranean carob beans. Carob helps digestion and lowers cholesterol in the blood. Carob also fights against osteoporsis due it's richness in calcium. It's used as a substitute for chocolate in baking and contains no chocolate, cocoa, added sugar or caffine.
Dried Pineapples - Sulfites is used as a preservative in dried fruits. Finding dried pineapple that contains no sulfites is usually organic and without sweetners it's a healthier option since pineapple is naturally sweet. Pineapples have a digestive healing property and are loaded with vitamin C, trace mineral maganese and thiamin (vitamin B1) for energy and antioxidant defenses.
Coconuts - A superfood and helps to cure cancer, AIDS, baldness, weight loss, digestive problems, diabetes and contain antiviral and antibacterial properties.