Friday, December 24, 2010

Happy Holidays & Bring in the New Year!

Its the time of year that we lose sight of the real reason for this season. Running around shopping, dining and making sure to check your list twice and make sure you nice. I know that it is my busiest time of year at work where we make sure all our customers have the best food to serve for their special events or family dinners. We've all busted our butts all year long for one month of madness.
So today, December 24th it's time to slow it down and focus on the birth of Jesus Christ. He has blessed me with better health and family. My life has had some major ups and downs and I know that I couldn't have made it through without my faith.
I'm focusing the next 2 weeks on my family. Its funny how when you get older family becomes so much more important and you want to create new memories for your little ones. I wish all of you a joyful season and remember to stop, put down the wrapping paper and pray. Give thanks for all you have in your life, large or small, difficult or good. For if it's difficult, somehow someway it is a breakthrough to better days.
I will resume my writing after the holidays. It will be time to focus on good health again for it's a new decade with this new year. A decade of new beginnings...
God Bless You All

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