Sunday, February 12, 2012

Whitney Houston - The Greatest Voice of All...

There are times in our lives when music plays a big part of how we feel when we get dressed in the morning or drive in our cars with the windows down and volume pumped up. One voice that has been a big part of my life was the incredible voice of Whitney Houston.

Today, I was getting my morning coffee and turned on the TV to her the worst news to start my day. Whitney Houston was found unresponsive in her hotel room at the Beverly Hilton. happened, she gone.

It's really not a surprise given the up and down life she had lead these past few years. I believe her heart was broken and she was lost. I have watched Whitney crumble and it's a place that many have gone to and not come back.

Since we don't know exactly what happened to bring her to her death. We must believe that there was a magical force that wanted to save her soul before it was completely broken. I know Whitney was a spiritual person who always knew her roots. The dark forces that kept her up and down and back and forth didn't win. For God has taken this troubled soul and will leave us with incredible memories of that lovely voice.

Whitney was a beautiful woman, with a voice that resonated with us all. So Whitney...My your new journey be special and may you become whole.

For you had the greatest voice of all...


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