Saturday, September 29, 2012

Key To Success...Full Moon (Harvest Moon) Sept 29, 2012

This weekend is the Harvest Moon - the full moon in September this year of 2012 that is a moon that seems to be bigger, brighter and more colorful than other full moons.  It's tonight, September 29th.

It's also the moon that you should reflect on your journey so far this year, give gratitude to what you have planted in your mind, your goals, your intentions and lessons.  Acknowledging what you have manifested so far this year will help take you closer to your goals.  

Would you like to find the time the full moon rises in your area?  Then click on this link and you can put in your area and it will calculate a full moon calendar for you.

Full Moon Calendar - CLICK HERE

With this full moon you will begin to see how things are starting to take course.  You will experience new opportunities, big things are in store for you.  So be aware of what transpires.

It's also a time to let go of negative things in your life that are holding you back and keeping you from your desires.  Stop dragging them around with you - let it go. Release yourself from the burden and move ahead.

I have a great message to share with you on You Tube.  It's a long video but it's a powerful message.


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